Child Protection through Education © for international schools

Working with School Leadership
A whole school approach to CSE promotes the emotional health and well-being of students, and contributes to the pastoral role of educational establishments in safeguarding the students in their care.
SMC believes that the commitment and engagement from the school senior leadership team in support of a whole school approach to CSE will be the difference between success and failure in its implementation and development.
Even the best CSE programmes, which promote health and well-being, will not impact positively on student attitudes and behaviour if not supported by the school’s senior leadership team and congruent with its systems, structures and ethos.
We work directly with Senior Leadership Teams to develop, implement and support the provision of CSE. The objective is to create or strengthen policies and strategies that support the provision of CSE through...
Allocating financial and human resources to support the implementation of CSE
Providing motivation
Liaising and support parents to contribute at home
Seting up procedures to respond to parental concerns
Ensuring timetabling of CSE is protected
Developing curriculum which is delivered by trained teachers/counselors
Ensuring curriculum addresses child protection education that will help children and young people develop Self-Protective Skills
Ensuring Faculty are informed and capable of managing disclosure
Enabling equality and diversity. Challenging all forms of discrimination
Making the school a safe environment for the provision of CSE, by having zero-tolerance policies for sexual harassment and bullying
Addressing the needs of children and young people
Providing instructional leadership
Developing relationships and links within the local community to support and enhance the program
Addressing formal learning programmes adopted by international school accreditation agencies in the ‘New Standards for Child Protection’
Ensuring sustainably of the program
(Adapted from: UNESCO’s International technical guidance on sexuality education, 2018)