Child Protection through Education © for international schools


Services and packages developed for implementation of a Whole School Approach to CSE
Depending on the identified needs of the school our initial consultation will determine the level of engagement in a whole school approach to CSE. It may be that we will support the school in developing its approach or maybe complement its existing provision.
Whether it is a student support session for a single grade, a full policy review or a faculty training week, we always position our work as a building block of something bigger.
There are three phases to a successful CSE implementation - Foundation, Sustain and Review. Components of a CSE strategy can be in different phases to each other, moving at different speeds. So it is vital to properly evaluate the current situation and develop the right implementation strategy for each CSE component.
Much of what we do is working with the school leadership to help them map and prioritise multi-year projects, ensuring the outcomes fit to the internal and external dynamics, respect values and relate directly to the school’s mission.
Foundation phase
Typically, a combination of in-school workshops and stakeholder interviews with offsite research and preparation. The Foundation phase includes the initial training of relevant Faculty with the aim of quickly establishing the skills needed to continue in a sustainable manner. Elements can be combined to create set-price consulting packages.
Work with the school’s administration to create clear ownership for programme management and execution
Working with the senior leadership team and key stakeholders, develop policies that link the concepts of Child Protection, PSHE, Safeguarding and CSE
Advise on setting appropriate budget for initial Foundation and subsequent phases
Advise, design and implement a modern and effective Health Department
Explore and assess impact of regulatory mandatory elements of CSE within the local laws and regulations
Help and advice on building a culturally appropriate CSE curriculum
Make recommendations for the development and delivery of CSE including content design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Advise on timetabling to ensure adequate protected curriculum time ideally, within a designated space
Advise and support in developing effective communication with key stake holders
Training of key staff through one- or multi-day workshops to prepare for implementation
Sustain phase
Typically this is targeted in-school, multi-day training and workshops events run every year or every other year. Training and other services can be combined to create set-price consulting packages, delivered during scheduled Professional Development or other times suited to the school's timetabling.
Ensure Faculty are informed and capable of managing disclosure, aligned with the appropriate school policies
Annual training of relevant teachers and counsellors on effective delivery of CSE through a combination of training, observation and practice
Provide training and professional updates for the school’s Health Department
Regular training and coaching of key staff on the latest CSE practices aimed at supporting and sustaining the whole school approach
Review phase
Typically, offsite research and preparation, combined with in-school follow-up as appropriate, delivered to support in-school review and audit cycles. As with the other phases, we can create a service package that reflects the needs of the school
Review protocols and practises in the school’s Health Department and propose changes as needed
Advise and run evaluationprogrammes that provide benchmarking and progress analysis
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