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Boo Spurgeon


Boo is a highly regarded independent consultant. Previously, Boo was a Lead Professional for Sheffield Local Authority for PSHE and SRE, which included delivering the National Healthy Schools PSHE Continuing Professional Development. She was Head of PSHE in a Sheffield school for a number of years, setting up a specialist department, and developing often ground-breaking lessons on sexual harassment, pornography, domestic abuse and healthy relationships.

Boo has contributed to the TES; had her students participate in a Twitter takeover for the Sex Education Forum; been filmed for good practice examples; had her department featured in two Stonewall good practice guides; trained many teachers and, each year, adds to the offer for Initial Teacher Training students, in Citizenship and Social Sciences, by training them in SRE at Sheffield Hallam University.

​She is a passionate advocate for PSHE, and SRE in particular, nationally and internationally through collaborative work with various organisations.

British, based in Sheffield, United Kingdom

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