Child Protection through Education © for international schools
Boo Spurgeon
Boo is a highly regarded independent consultant. Previously, Boo was a Lead Professional for Sheffield Local Authority for PSHE and SRE, which included delivering the National Healthy Schools PSHE Continuing Professional Development. She was Head of PSHE in a Sheffield school for a number of years, setting up a specialist department, and developing often ground-breaking lessons on sexual harassment, pornography, domestic abuse and healthy relationships.
Boo has contributed to the TES; had her students participate in a Twitter takeover for the Sex Education Forum; been filmed for good practice examples; had her department featured in two Stonewall good practice guides; trained many teachers and, each year, adds to the offer for Initial Teacher Training students, in Citizenship and Social Sciences, by training them in SRE at Sheffield Hallam University.
She is a passionate advocate for PSHE, and SRE in particular, nationally and internationally through collaborative work with various organisations.
British, based in Sheffield, United Kingdom